Visualise “People. Factory. Production”

“alfaSCOPE” is an option for our cloud-based system alfaDOCK.

alfaTKG Co., Ltd. focuses on system integration which utilises customer’s assets (machines and software) and links company’s know-how to our product alfaDOCK. 

 “alfaSCOPE” generates 3D-CAD data out of customer’s three-view drawings. At the same time,  it also produces a “visualised document (*PHD)”. Therefore, it helps you visualise drawings.

Moreover, the flow of people and production is visualised as well if the customer uses 4D-Factory. It visualises those above with CG portrayal.

Paperless factory comes to pass with alfaDOCK extended options e.g. alfaKIOSK

 Case Study
 You can watch a case study video clip of a customer which uses alfaSCOPE.
 Please experience our visualistion technology.
 By clicking this icon , you can watch this clip with full screen.
 Caution: please adject the volume before you start a video.
 Case Study
 You can watch a case study video clip of a customer which uses alfaSCOPE.
 Please experience our visualistion technology.
 By clicking this icon , you can watch this clip with full screen.
Caution: please adject the volume before you start a video.


PHD stands for Paperless Hyper Document.  Our unique service, PHD,  visualises and shows a variety of information: the 2D three-view drawing, the 3D drawings, BOM list and the assembly. 
Everyone can see a solid image from the drawing. This brand-new experience leads revolutionary innovation to all manufacturing fields i.e. Business management, Sales, Factory.


Paperless Hyper Document


4D-Factory visualises “the flow of things”,  “the flow of people” and “the flow of information”. CG drawings enable to show “the flow of production” and “the flow of people” which were considered difficult to see. 
You shall know its effect is pretty outstanding if you watch the video clip Case Study




alfaKIOSK is an optional system to link customer’s “know-how” with alfaDOCK while utilising their property (machine and software). 
It calls digitized data in seconds e.g. drawings or process charts. It leads to a Paperless factory.

  • Example in Asia (1)

    Example in Asia (1)

  • Example in Asia (2)

    Example in Asia (2)

  • Example in Asia (3)

    Example in Asia (3)

  • Example in Asia (4)

    Example in Asia (4)

  • Example in Asia (5)

    Example in Asia (5)

  • Example in Asia (6)

    Example in Asia (6)

  • Example in Japan

    Example in Japan

Please contact our technical center for inquiries.

【alfaTKG Co., Ltd. Nihonbashi Technical Center】
+813-6262-6334 (Mon-Fri. 09:00-18:00 JST/ 00:00-9:00 UTC )
4-8-17-802, Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023 Japan