
Startup KIT

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alfaSCAN Startup KIT – Main Features

DXF data and Microsoft Office data (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) will be converted to PDF automatically.
Besides file name, you can set attributes (e.g. customer name and drawing name). Attributes can be used as a keyword when you search a specific drawing or file on alfaDOCK.
You can search for a word which is part of text in PDF file and Microsoft Office files (Word/PowerPoint/Excel).
Data from contactless scanner will be automatically uploaded to alfaDOCK. Hidden manufacturing data will be linked with attributes and then uploaded to alfaDOCK.
Photos taken at the job spot will be linked with attributes and they will be sorted in alfaDOCK “Digital 5S”.

※Please check alfaDOCK for the detail of other features ( Specifically, basic features 1-2 and Option “alfaSCAN” and “alfaCamera App”)

alfaSCAN Startup KIT –  Contents

No.Content Name
2PC for alfaSCAN
3alfaDOCK Cloud: Lite ver.

alfaSCAN 1

alfaSCAN Equipment Composition

alfaSCAN Equipment Composition

alfaSCAN Startup KIT – Price

①alfaSCAN Startup KIT (200GB ver.)

No.Product NamePrice (excl. tax)Payment MethodFunction
(Scanner + PC for alfaSCAN + alfaDOCK: Lite ver.)
Ask for QuoteSingle Payment

alfaDOCK Cloud: Lite ver.
Cloud size: 200GB
*100 thousands of A3 size drawings can be stored.

2alfaCamera appFree of Charge (Special benefits)Free of Charge
3Cloud Usage FeeAsk for QuoteMonthly
Cloud Usage FeeAsk for QuoteAnnually

* For the number of drawings can be stored, it depends on the file size of the individual drawings. 

②alfaSCAN Startup KIT (1TB ver.)

No.Product NamePrice (excl. tax)Payment MethodFunction
(Scanner + PC for alfaSCAN + alfaDOCK: Lite ver.)
Ask for QuoteSingle Payment

alfaDOCK Cloud: Lite ver.
Cloud size: 1TB
*500 thousands of A3 size drawings can be stored.

2alfaCamera appFree of Charge (Special benefits)Free of Charge
3Cloud Usage FeeAsk for QuoteMonthly
Cloud Usage FeeAsk for QuoeAnnually

Please contact our technical center for inquiries.

【alfaTKG Co., Ltd. Nihonbashi Technical Center】
+813-6262-6334 (Mon-Fri. 09:00-18:00 JST/ 00:00-9:00 UTC )
4-8-17-802, Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0023 Japan